It seems that just about every product that MS has an input in (i.e. supplies the OS for OEMs to build systems round) that's not a normal PC seems to have this issue and we all shout "what about the marketing?"
Tablet PCs, UMPCs, to a degree Windows Mobile SmartPhones & PPCs have all suffered.
Scoble says that "mentions of it have totally died off" which is pretty indicative of the way these things go - an big initial push/viral campaign then everything goes quiet.
Loren I would imagine that the reason things have gone quiet on the WHS front is because we are 6 months away from the release of any products and no-one is currently evangelising them. We know that there must be a few of them around (being tested presumably) as Scoble says
Martin Spedding has one and loves it.
But what we really need is for a few of these to be placed in the eager, sweaty mitts of a few influencers and let them both play with them AND (more importantly) blog about them. Don't shove anything away behind NDAs.
I have no issue with it being called a "server" and I don't think that there is any reason to get hung up on this. Just because it's called a server doesn't mean it's going to be a complicated beast to set up. For it to succeed it must be the epitome of simplicity.
People's understanding of what a server is or does sometimes gets a little blurred and many is the time I have heard Joe User refer to another desktop as a server just because they get files from it. This blurred understanding could, on the face of it, make the use and comprehension of a Home Server easier.
The sooner we can see these in action the better and , if they are marketed correctly and consistently, they could be a big success.